I'm in a horribly depressed state. And I haven't even read the newspaper. I notice in passing as I'm reading the headlines in newsracks, from my car, that a ship has sunk with over a thousand lives lost, that drug smugglers have implanted bags of dope inside cute little labrador puppies - let that be a lesson to you who only want to buy a purebreed and nothing else. What will this do to the image of yellow labs as the perfect family dog??
I've not even reacted to the fact that W wants to reduce our dependence on Middle East oil? Whaaat??? How will we run all of our Hummer's? Alaskan oil? I've not even paid attention to the fact that Alito got confirmed. Uh uh. No, what's bugging me is that I live in California and the rain hasn't stopped since November. And it's not just rain. Fog, cold, damp, grey. I may as well go back to London. Worse still, today, in foggy conditions there was a fatality on the Bay Bridge. My God, what is wrong with the world? The Year Of The Dog began and things are still shitty. I'm beginning to think I don't understand anybody or anything.