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Albany Bulb

  • Albany Bulb
    These photographs are just a few I have taken over the last ten years at The Albany Bulb, also known as the Landfill, the Waterfront and just The Bulb. It is a place I feel passionate about. That much is obvious. There are many of us who believe that this piece of the much hyped Eastshore State Park should have been left untouched and unmanaged - because it is a unique example of what happens when a place naturally and organically self regulates. But the dogma of 'preservation' and 'conservation areas' 'resource protection', 'habitats' and 'liability' overrules all individual identity. They cannot leave anything untouched, un-designed. It is as if if they (the park planners) didn't make it, it has no value. Rules, guidelines, regulations, interpretive signage, fences, safety, sanctioned art - it leaves nothing to the imagination. That is what the landfill meant to us - a place of unlimited imagination.
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August 25, 2007


Deb in Minnesota

Jill, I'm still here and reading your blog. Smile. I've just been busy getting ready for the upcoming fall academic term.

Regarding that teacher who showed disdain for your dream to be an historian. I sometimes wish for a special place in hell for adults who dash children's ambitions and dreams so cavalierly.

If I could talk with your old teachers, I'd let them know they need not have worried. Because Jill turned out just fine!

I had a couple of friends once who spent part of their summers volunteering on dinosaur digs in Wyoming. This was their working vacation.

susie fought

I wonder, is your blog a chick magnet? Seems like it would be...


Susie....are you calling my wildly intelligent, intellectually superior and highly evolved readers 'chicks'? tsk...tsk...
truth is, I wish it were. I failed miserably at online dating because I couldn't stand the whole business of creating a 'fake' online persona where each bio read like the back of a romance novel. I like sunsets? Wow, me too...we must be perfect for one another. Now, I'm taking the 'whole truth and nothing but the truth' approach. I think my readers check in to make sure I haven't totally lost it......

Deb in Minnesota

Hahahaha Jill! I tried the online dating thing too. And I couldn't stand the "I just want someone to cuddle on the couch" profiles. Icky. I think my profile was too honest for people. That is, I let them know I am a wee bit loca.

Consequently, it's just me and the cat for now.


A lot of teachers felt the need to say something about me aswell.
One was afraid to go on a school- trip with me, cause he thought I was a bad person who could harm him (I was 12)
and when I was 17 and told my teacher I wanted to become a writer or journalist she said: "don´t even try, you´ll never manage to be as good and intelligent as your father is"
However: I´d love to join you if someone offers you a dino- digging- job, I like the idea of hot sand and exitement.
Never forget you are a rolemodel to me- so don´t be to hard on yourself, I need you to be positive.


Hey Jen!
Therapy ain't so bad! Mine breaks up my work-day...once a week! And I am positive. Completely. Trust me....especially because I have two incredible nieces.
Being a Posener has it's moments. And as we are having this conversation in public, I have been waiting and waiting for you to put some photo albums up on your myspace for MONTHS! Where are they? 'Cos you are a f---ing great photographer!! And let's go dig some dinos.


. . . i imagine that you would look quite lovely in your Prof. Leakey digging duds. i would bring the cool drinks and you could bring the shovels.


mmm...would I be Roger Leakey, Maeve Leakey or the wildman of fossil hunters, Richard Leakey?
You've inspired me girl with no name - I'm gonna blog about fossils, jawbones, Richard there's a competitive family...


The truth, whole and nothing for me. Even if you lost it, that would be fine too.


Well, I do lose it. Often. The whole truth? The truth seems to be we can't always be loved by those we love, or love back the ones who love us, at least not in the way the stars need to be lined up just right for it be 'perfect'. So, it never is...and as my friends tell me, 'JP there is nothing wrong with being 'comfortable'. Ah, that elusive quality. Comfort. It will forever be out of reach, I believe. Hence, the need to 'collect' - as big a reservoir of 'love' as I can, so that even with some spillage, I feel the sense of it.
And work is the same. What would 'comfort' have looked like to me? A 'job', 'going to work','retirement'? Hell, now I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!! I know there are many like me, in perpetual emotional motion...never settled, never at rest. Tough, but oh well, what can you do, right?


Funny but one of the people I thought of immediately after the dog fighting came to light was you...

What IS to become of Jill? Jill became and continues to be part of many people's living history through her words, insight and pictures... and for those who know her personally her friendship. (just venturing a guess there)

I have no real idea if you would look good in digging gear but I do have a good imagination and suffice it to say I am a happy

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