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    Click on this link to go to my photo site. Find out why some call me one of the causes of societal degradation. Oh well, what can you do?


Albany Bulb

  • Albany Bulb
    These photographs are just a few I have taken over the last ten years at The Albany Bulb, also known as the Landfill, the Waterfront and just The Bulb. It is a place I feel passionate about. That much is obvious. There are many of us who believe that this piece of the much hyped Eastshore State Park should have been left untouched and unmanaged - because it is a unique example of what happens when a place naturally and organically self regulates. But the dogma of 'preservation' and 'conservation areas' 'resource protection', 'habitats' and 'liability' overrules all individual identity. They cannot leave anything untouched, un-designed. It is as if if they (the park planners) didn't make it, it has no value. Rules, guidelines, regulations, interpretive signage, fences, safety, sanctioned art - it leaves nothing to the imagination. That is what the landfill meant to us - a place of unlimited imagination.
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August 30, 2007


Deborah Is Great

I subscribe. I read your posts. Sometimes I want to look away. You are a bit like a train wreck, or at least you seem that way to me. But. I recognize a kindred soul. My personal family legacy is sex, sex secrets and shame. I understand this need to fling open the doors, windows and possibly even knock down a wall or two. I speak. I say things. And still, sometimes, feel queasy at my 'confessions'. Insert heavy sigh here.


a train wreck huh? just occasionally I hope!

Deb in Minnesota

Hi, Jill
When I receive an email notice from Feedblitz for a new blog post by you, the notice always says this near the top:
"Unsubscribe safely and securely now if you wish."

When I see that, I always think, "Nope, I want to keep reading Jill's blog."

Hmmm, it hadn't occurred to me to consider critiquing your blog. I like it as it is. It reflects you and that is what makes it so interesting to me.

And it helps me think about my life and letting go of secrets.



I started reading you only after I fell in love with your photography. I didn't know about your blog until TOD mentioned it to me. I admit I am a bit of a secret admirer...although I guess now not so secret. Your writing demands the reader to quiet their minds before delving into it. I can't hit your blog in the morning over a bowl of cherrios... I have to make room for it. Something I will continue to do.

take care


Like Nina, I make room for it, in fact, I make a room for it. I savor every corner.

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