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Albany Bulb

  • Albany Bulb
    These photographs are just a few I have taken over the last ten years at The Albany Bulb, also known as the Landfill, the Waterfront and just The Bulb. It is a place I feel passionate about. That much is obvious. There are many of us who believe that this piece of the much hyped Eastshore State Park should have been left untouched and unmanaged - because it is a unique example of what happens when a place naturally and organically self regulates. But the dogma of 'preservation' and 'conservation areas' 'resource protection', 'habitats' and 'liability' overrules all individual identity. They cannot leave anything untouched, un-designed. It is as if if they (the park planners) didn't make it, it has no value. Rules, guidelines, regulations, interpretive signage, fences, safety, sanctioned art - it leaves nothing to the imagination. That is what the landfill meant to us - a place of unlimited imagination.
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March 29, 2008



Didn't ya read the label *before* you bought it? Could have saved some of that gas you burned up driving back to the store to return it . . .
As for the gallery, is it going to sell those new water bowls when you find 'em?


Haven't returned it yet. I'll ride my bike.

Deb in Minnesota

If I ever come across one I'll let you know. Hmmm, I wonder who made kitty's water bowl?

Jan F

Try NARIAN'S Outdoor Sewing & Fabric
1275 San Pablo Ave. @ Gilman, Berkeley
(Northeast of REI)
If they have none they will probably make


Well, if some whippet loving person were to start making them we could probably all earn enough to buy a better brand of dog food, one without melamine from China in it. Hint hint, Jan.

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