John Edwards was always my first choice for President. He is the most progressive candidate, the most committed to the working people of this country. He would've made a great attorney general, even Secretary of State. And I don't believe that infidelity, or sex with a fancy high class prostitute should be a disqualification for public office.
But I'm glad I didn't put any money on Johnny 'it can't be my baby' Edwards being a force at the Democrat Convention or even making it on to the ticket as Veep. I'm sort of shaking my head about a bunch of stuff here so bear with me while I careen all over the place like a Go-Kart on an oil slicked road. I'm not disappointed in him, OK? He is just a stupid freaking idiot.
Here are my random thoughts -
• Is he really that arrogant to think he could fuck a woman other than his cancer stricken wife and keep it a secret? Did Elizabeth Edwards herself collude in the deception by pressuring her husband to run?
• What do I think about the woman who apparently also had an affair with an Edwards staffer at about the same time and who everyone thinks is more likely to be the father of the child?
• Do these dickheads have to act when their swollen members perk up in their jockeys?
• What if he had admitted to the affair when it was first rumoured in 2007? Instead he flat out lied, telling the media that it was 'untrue'. This is the biggest flat out stupidity since Bill's 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman'
Would he have been able to run a credible campaign with faithful wife and kids by his side, or is sex the ultimate 'crime' in politics?
• What effect would Edwards not running have had on Clinton's campaign, assuming that much of the money Edwards raised and many of his votes would have gone first to Clinton before Obama?
• Is this the reason John Kerry walked over to the Obama camp even while Edwards was still in the race?
• Is there anyone in public office who has not lied? And why would we expect truth from people whose job requires they play fast and loose with the truth while campaigning against each other?
I think a roll call is in order. I'd like every man in the House to stand up if they haven't had an affair, had sex with a prostitute done drugs or lied. Yup, just as I thought. Now let's just sit back and wait for the McCain and Obama sex scandals to erupt.
Hola, Jill! I've been away on vacation. Well, actually, I've been back for a few days but my mind has still been on vacation. John Edwards=Idiot is right.
Posted by: Deb in Minnesota | August 12, 2008 at 06:26 AM
"Is he really that arrogant to think he could fuck a woman other than his cancer stricken wife and keep it a secret?"
--Yes, apparently he and 1,000,000,000s more. When will they learn?
Posted by: Deborah | August 13, 2008 at 01:39 PM
i have tried to comment about this mess for days. i even sat down and wrote about it myself but it is still sitting in my edit file. i have yet to find the adjectives.
Posted by: nina | August 16, 2008 at 08:05 AM