Perhaps Laura was worried - if she didn't order the new china for the White House, Michelle Obama might use the money for some nefarious purpose, perhaps even order some new plates from a workers collective in Ghana or something dreadful like that. After all, Laura must have thought - huh, there's still half a million dollars in the budget for household goods, better spend it before those spend spend spend democrats move their children in. And that three legged dog is bound to break a few dishes when Malia throws the frisbee round the banquet hall. The story of Laura's $500,000 china purchase two weeks before she and her guy leave the big house is just one of the reasons why, like in England - the day after the election the moving trucks should be outside. The outgoing administration shouldn't be allowed two and a half months to pardon criminals, spend money, pass legislation, hide, shred, start wars, and otherwise screw up the people who were victorious at the polls. Next day baby, next day.
And while I'm on the subject of Minnesota; I don't care which side of the fence you're on, democracy is not served by this farce. Al Franken has been declared the winner in the Senate race - by 225 votes out of three million and not surprisingly Republican incumbent Norm Coleman is challenging the outcome. After all, he was leading by 50 just a few days ago. I believe that after a month had passed and a clear winner had not emerged - the state should have declared 'no contest' and held a special election. Had the result gone the other way, Franken would be doing the same. It's a tainted outcome, no question.
Tainted? Did you say tainted? Jeez, the damn democrats should just let the new junior Senator from Illinois, appointed by disgraced Governor Blagojevich, take his seat. Blago, as yet unindicted, had the legal (if not the moral) right to appoint Obama's successor (this is another quaint US custom that could do with re-examination). Roland Burris is hardly a dreadful choice, if in fact we're OK with US Senators being chosen in this way. But the Democrats, led by Harry Reid (his name sounds as if he should be a longshoreman hero, but instead he's just a mediocre politician) decided to make a big deal of this. Let the guy take his seat and prove himself till the next election in his district and then let the voters decide. Oops. I forgot, this is Chicago.
Then of course I'm listening to the security measures being put in place for the inauguration in the capital. A 50 block radius is being cordoned off - and unless you have a ticket for a ball or a parade, you can just about forget getting in there - oh and don't bring a stroller, a bicycle or an umbrella. Do however bring snacks as convenience stores are gonna be closed and definitely bring your own toilet paper because there will be no access to buildings with real toilets. 4 million of you are gonna have to fight for the porta potty nearest you, with your screaming toddler in your arms and no way of keeping out of the rain. So, load up on plastic water bottles, little boxes of raisins and rolls of Charmin'. Rather you than me. You are so gonna wish you could just get your hands on some of that new china so you could vent your frustration by smashing it into a thousand pieces.
It's time for my loquat honey syrup and theraflu mixed together - the new wonder drug.....
I wondered why there hasn't been a special election to re-decide our Senate Seat but I think the state's election laws dictate the process here. Anyway, if Norm Coleman loses he probably is not going to go away. He'll just figure out what else to run for, like Governor. Ugh! and Bleh!
Posted by: Deb in Minnesota | January 09, 2009 at 07:11 AM