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    Click on this link to go to my photo site. Find out why some call me one of the causes of societal degradation. Oh well, what can you do?


Albany Bulb

  • Albany Bulb
    These photographs are just a few I have taken over the last ten years at The Albany Bulb, also known as the Landfill, the Waterfront and just The Bulb. It is a place I feel passionate about. That much is obvious. There are many of us who believe that this piece of the much hyped Eastshore State Park should have been left untouched and unmanaged - because it is a unique example of what happens when a place naturally and organically self regulates. But the dogma of 'preservation' and 'conservation areas' 'resource protection', 'habitats' and 'liability' overrules all individual identity. They cannot leave anything untouched, un-designed. It is as if if they (the park planners) didn't make it, it has no value. Rules, guidelines, regulations, interpretive signage, fences, safety, sanctioned art - it leaves nothing to the imagination. That is what the landfill meant to us - a place of unlimited imagination.
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March 04, 2009



Jill you always make me smile. Where were you when I was also looking for a love affair from afar? Damn I am always too late for the good things.

Your music would be welcome here as long as you don't mind my current obsession with the soundtrack of Rent. Well that and my girls recent affinity to listen to Joyce Meyer's half hour ministry everyday. I still hope you swing by on your way to somewhere else this summer. We will do all we can to be more exciting that we sound I promise.


Aw Nina, excitement isn't all it's cracked up to be!


well then my dearest, you will have the time of your life. ;)

Deb in Minnesota

I have a Celine Dion song on my iPod. It pains me to confess so. But I love some Barry White!


Aw Deb, wish you hadn't told me that about Celine - now I'm regretting accepting your FB friend request!

Tamara Burton

I've been a lone living on a farm too long (my choice- metro transplant)It gets lonely and I rarely have time for dating or the patience for the drama that goes with it. So I turn up Barry White or other sexy R&B. My Rottie dances really well but my Boxer steps on my feet.

I wonder about relationships. I've never really been good at them. Sometimes it better to connect with friends and if you bounce upon chemistry wonderful. Otherwise love is ok without it.

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