Worker falls into vat of chocolate and dies, Britain has developed a chemically engineered sperm (were they able to change the color and consistency?), Sheila Lee Jackson, Democrat congresswoman - and Seventh Day Adventist - from Texas insisted on speaking at her namesake Michael's Memorial, but then we discover that she once spoke at 5 funerals in one day (it's a good way of reaching constituents who can't leave the room during your stump speech), cemetery workers are indicted for digging up bodies and re-selling the plots (did they approach the Jackson family?) and 72% of Americans apparently believe that Lindsay Lohan's career is over. Then there's the woman in Ghana who married her dog (actually it wasn't really a dog, just a pug) because she wanted a loyal faithful man in her life after all the cheating lying thieving bastards she'd known up till then. And what do you have? Another slow news day.
And obviously gay marriage is responsible for all the above.
I haven't seen an 'Iran' update on Facebook since MJ's death, nor any feverish Twitters and demands that Obama be more forceful with the un-elected goverment in Teheran, Sanford and Ensign have dropped off the news cycle, but one bright spot is Leland Yee who used to be, if my memory serves me correctly, on the School Board in SF, then the Board of Supes and now is in Sacramento. He did a great interview on a local radio station and discussed the difficulties he is having with bringing some sanity to the UC system in California. He decries the lack of transparency in the taxpayer funded system, the millions of dollars (of taxpayer money) spent on lobbyists in Sacramento to defend the UC administrations' massive mis-management and secrecy, and says that getting any legislation passed to clean up the system is met with a firewall of greenbacks. Shame. Living in a university town where UC Berkeley seems to have no obstacles in its way to develop, destroy, rob, steal and pillage from the city, I am rooting for Leland.
And obviously homosexuals are responsible for all the above.
I was going to write today, in honor of my friend Sue Bennett's birthday tomorrow, one of my searing 'oh my god, Jill is baring all on her blog' travels into the dark soul of an unapologetic butch. But I'm just not feeling dark enough.
And obviously at least one queer is responsible for that.